The Lewin Legacy: Field Theory in Current Practice

I: Lewin, then and now.- Approach as a description of the nature of scientific activity: Some reflections and suggestions.- Kurt Lewin and American psychology: An ambivalent relationship.- Lewin's sphere of influence from Berlin.- The man in transition: Kurt Lewin and his times.- Kurt Lewin's influence on social emotional climate research in Germany and the United States.- Theoretical positions of Kurt Lewin and Egon Brunswick - controversial or complementary points of view?.- Lewin and current developmental theory.- Lewin and social science: A theoretical note.- II: Practical Theory.- A. Therapy-mental health-interpersonal relations.- Kurt Lewin's influence on the field of mental health.- Understanding enrichment and therapy in marriage: The legacy of Kurt Lewin.- Lewinian theory in clinical practice.- Kurt Lewin: Intergroup relations and applications in current action research.- Application of Lewin's life space concept to the individual and group-as-a-whole systems in group psychotherapy.- B. Education.- Action research as a guiding principle in an educational curriculum: The Lincoln University Master's Program in Human Services.- Kurt Lewin's influence on business education.- Children in cooperation and competition: The role of entitlement and deservedness.- Participants as consultants to themselves.- C. Organizational and human resources development.- The quality circle phenomenon.- Using graduate students as consultants to teach action research to residence hall staff.- Teaching force field analysis: A suggested training design.- Utilizing Lewinian principles for an institutional planning process within a medical school.- Organizational processes in a University department: A report of an action research and organizational development project.- D. Community psychology and community action.- Environmental psychology and action research: Lewin's legacy.- Community action research in North Philadelphia.- Report of an action research project: The Hunting Park community leaders survey - problems and prospects for park preservation.- A practical theory for optimal intergroup-initiated encounters: The Arab-Jewish case.- E. Research lines.- Support, reference, and gatekeeping functions within the interpersonal field: Lewin contributions.- A continuation of Lewinian research in the study of cooperation and competition.- New paradigm research.- A neo-Lewinian action research method.- The effects of affirmative action on minority persons: Research in the Lewinian tradition.