L-Band Land Mobile Satellite Channel Characteristic Analysis for Geosynchronous Satellite

Comparing with the traditional mobile communication system, there is a strong line-of-sight (LOS) component in satellite to mobile communication. In fact, LOS and diffuse scattered component are both influenced by shadowing and obstacles. In this paper, a theoretical model for a land mobile satellite channel is analyzed in various shadowing situations. Since LOS and diffuse scattered component are both considered, the angles of arrival are not uniformly distributed in a given azimuth sector. So a kind of asymmetrical Doppler power spectrum is proposed in the paper. Then, in order to effectively respond to the actual channel environment, the different state length \( L_{frame} \) in each state is presented and simulated, the minimum state length should be shorter in the environment, which the channel changes intensely. Finally, numerical simulations in four-state Markov model indicate that the proposed asymmetrical Doppler power spectrum and the various \( L_{frame} \) are reasonable.