Cooperation receive diversity apparatus and method based on signal point rearrange or superposition modulation in relay system
Cooperative diversity reception apparatus and method that is based on a signal point rearrangement or superposition modulation in a relay system comprising: receiving a random superposition of modulation symbols from a transmitter; And performing demodulation and decoding on the received symbols; And the step of relaying the received symbols to the receiver after modulation by the transmitter and the other superposition modulation; And, upon receiving a random superposition-modulated symbols from the repeater and the log likelihood ratio of the transmitter, the symbol: calculating an (LLR Log-Likelihood Ratio); And, if the transmitter and receives the superposed modulation symbols from different repeaters calculating a log likelihood ratio of the different superposed modulation symbols; And, in addition, each of the log likelihood ratio of the symbols received via the transmitter and the repeater includes a receiver comprising the step of bonding. Signal point constellation, the signal point rearrangement, superposition modulation, Superposition