Design of Geographically Aggregatable Address and Routing Toward Location Based Multicast

Location aware information delivery is useful application, which automatically distribute information such as weather forecast, disaster information and advertisement to a user based on their location. Users' devices have to send their location to application provider, since there is no way for the provider to identify the devices' location. For this reason, service providers have to collect devices' location by themselves, there are no public service or infrastructure available for the purpose. In this paper, we propose Location based Multicast, which is implemented fully on the Internet. The multicast forwards a packet based on a users' location and area. We present new IPv6 multicast address for the LBM. We call the address GALMA, Geographically Aggregately Location based Multicast Address. GALMA has hierarchical area specification and route aggregation in its structure like nicest IP address. Users' device generates the address and joins the multicast network, then the device is ready to receives location aware information to that area. Also, we present a deployment design of LBM routing based on LISP scheme. LBM provides open platform for the services, thereby service providers do not care location information of user by themselves.