Use of the World Wide Web for international travel: Integrating the construct of uncertainty in information seeking and the task-technology fit (TTF) model

In this study, we attempt to evaluate the performance of the World Wide Web as an information resource in the domain of international travel. The theoretical framework underpinning our approach recognizes the contribution of models of information seeking behavior and of information systems in explaining World Wide Web usage as an information resource. Specifically, a model integrating the construct of uncertainty in information seeking and the task-technology fit model is presented. To test the integrated model, 217 travelers participated in a questionnaire-based empirical study. Our results confirm that richer (or enhanced) models are required to evaluate the broad context of World Wide Web (the Web) usage as an information resource. Use of the Web for travel tasks, for uncertainty reduction, as an information resource, and for mediation all have a significant impact on users' perception of performance, explaining 46% of the variance. Additionally, our study contributes to the testing and validation of metrics for use of the Web as an information resource in a specific domain.

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