A Banach space is rotund if the midpoint of each chord of the unit ball lies beneath the surface. In 1936 Clarkson [3] introduced the stronger notion of uniform rotundity. A Banach space is uniformly rotund if the midpoints of all chords of the unit ball whose lengths are bounded below by a positive number are uniformly buried beneath the surface. Since Clarkson's paper many authors have defined and studied geometric properties whose strengths lie between rotundity and uniform rotundity (see [1, 7-9,11, and 12]). Most of these properties can be classified as either localizations or directionalizations of uniform rotundity. The localizations--locally uniformly rotund and midpoint locally uniformly rotund-and the directionalizations--weakly uniformly rotund and uniformly rotund in every direction--have been of particular interest in the literature (see [4, 6, and 13]). In this paper six examples of Banach spaces are given that illustrate the distinctions among these generalizations of uniform rotundity as well as the independence of the localizations and directionalizations.
Banach Spaces that are Uniformly Rotund in Weakly Compact Sets of Directions
Canadian Journal of Mathematics.
Václav Zizler,et al.
On some rotundity and smoothness properties of Banach spaces
Irving Leonard Glicksberg,et al.
Some geometric properties of the spheres in a normed linear space
J. A. Clarkson.
Uniformly convex spaces
R. C. James,et al.
Normed Linear Spaces that are Uniformly Convex in Every Direction
Canadian Journal of Mathematics.
Kenneth Wayne Anderson.
Midpoint Local Uniform Convexity, and Other Geometric Properties of Banach Spaces
M. Day.
Strict convexity and smoothness of normed spaces
A. R. Lovaglia,et al.
Locally uniformly convex Banach spaces
J. Rainwater.
Local uniform convexity of Day’s norm on ₀(Γ)