Hill's Equation with Random Forcing Terms

Motivated by a class of orbit problems in astrophysics, this paper considers solutions to Hill's equation with forcing strength parameters that vary from cycle to cycle. The results are generalized to include period variations from cycle to cycle. The development of the solutions to the differential equation is governed by a discrete map. For the general case of Hill's equation in the unstable limit, we consider separately the cases of purely positive matrix elements and those with mixed signs; we then find exact expressions, bounds, and estimates for the growth rates. We also find exact expressions, estimates, and bounds for the infinite products of several $2 \times 2$ matrices with random variables in the matrix elements. In the limit of sharply spiked forcing terms (the delta function limit), we find analytic solutions for each cycle and for the discrete map that matches solutions from cycle to cycle; for this case we find the growth rates and the condition for instability in the limit of large forcin...