Simulation of Hodgkin Huxley and FitzHugh Nagumo Models in order to Generation and Propagation of Action Potential inside of Axon Respectively by MATLAB and Comsol Multiphysics

in this study, we have done our simulation in two sections. in the first step, we simulated Hodgkin Huxley equations by matlab software and obtained the action potential waveform. in the second step, 3D simulation of Fitzhugh Nagumo model in order to action potential generation and propagation in squid giant axon have been explored. simulation of this section has been performed by using the comsol multiphysics 3.5a software. in second section of simulation, squid giant axon in the form of hollow cylinder is considered. therefore , use of PDE (general form) module. then applying Fitzhugh Nagumo equations, its values and select the appropriate boundary conditions ,by solving the equations,we see that the action potential produced and propagated along the axon.