Transmutation of minor actinides in a spherical torus tokamak fusion reactor, FDTR

In this paper, a concept of transmutation minor actinide (MA) nuclear waste based on the spherical torus (ST) tokamak reactor, FDTR, was put forward. A set of plasma parameter was decided suitable for the ST transmutation nuclear waste blanket. Using the 2-D neutron transport code TWODANT, the 3-D Monte Carlo code MCNP-4B and the 1-D burn-up calculation code BISON3.0 and their associated data libraries to calculate the transmutation rate, the energy multiplication factor and the tritium breeding ratio of the transmutation blanket. The calculation results of the system parameters and the actinide series isotopes for different operation times were also given. The engineering feasibility of the center-post of FDTR has been investigated. Relevant results were also given. A preliminary neutronics calculation based on ST transmutation blanket shows that the proposed system has a high transmutation capability for MA wastes.