Nervous regulation of food intake.
Q LORIC BALANCE depends upon the regulation of biologic energy exchange. Four important variables are concerned in energy balance : ( 1) food intake, (2) energy storage, (3) energy utilization through activity or work and (4) loss of energy in the production of heat. The caloric balance would thus be regulated by the various mechanisms which regulate the caloric intake in the form of food intake on the one hand and caloric loss on the other. In this conmiunication the nervous mechanisms regulating food intake are discussed. n’ in I 91 5 demonstrated rhythmic contractions of the stomach accompanying feelings of hunger, and on the basis of this, Carlson2 built an entire theory of the regulation of appetite. Subsequent studies demonstrated, however, that this “peripheral” gastric mechanism was overemphasized as ex-
[1] A. J. Carlson. The Control of Hunger in Health and Disease , 1916, The Psychological Clinic.