Evacuation Planning using Answer Set Programming: An initial approach

Abstract —This paper describes a methodologybased on Answer Set Programming (ASP) to workwith incomplete geographic data. Source geographicdata which describes a risk zone is translated to ASPdescription and it allows to solve query’s which cannot be solved by a normal GIS. An evacuation plancan change when new situations are presented, for in-stance traffic, a zone in extreme danger or other nat-ural modification of the zone to be evacuated. Since1994, RiskManagementOffice inMexicohasdeclaredaround 30 km from the Popocat´epetl Volcano cratera danger zone. This office defined several roads toevacuate the people when a Volcano event can bepresented. Our approach allows to simulate and togive support to generate new evacuation plans. Theresults developed by the ASP approach can be trans-lated to a visual format and can be incorporated toa GIS to develop other kind of analysis by using thegeographic data. Keywords: Evacuation planning, Answer Set Program-ming, Geographic Data, Risk Management, Query withincomplete data

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