Arrayed Waveguide Grating

C2V A1998003 1 Abstract This application note requires the basic and advanced mode solver modules in the Selene/Cross-section interface, and the BPM and mask layout modules in the Prometheus/Topview interface. This application note describes how to design, simulate and layout an Arrayed Waveguide Grating (AWG) using OlympIOs. The operation principle of the AWG is described and additionally some simple design rules are given. We have described how to simulate the AWG by means of Beam Propagation Methods (BPM), by breaking it into three sections: an input star, an array of decoupled waveguides and an output star. A simulation example is presented which shows that the relevant parameters related to the AWG’s spectral response can be obtained using this method. Moreover, they agree quite well with the design values. Finally, we have provided the details concerning the implementation of these designs into OlympIOs, using the hierarchical design features incorporated in this package.