This paper deals with the steplength selection in stochastic gradient methods for large scale optimization problems arising in machine learning. We introduce an adaptive steplength selection derived by tailoring a limited memory steplength rule, recently developed in the deterministic context, to the stochastic gradient approach. The proposed steplength rule provides values within an interval, whose bounds need to be prefixed by the user. A suitable choice of the interval bounds allows to perform similarly to the standard stochastic gradient method equipped with the best-tuned steplength. Since the setting of the bounds slightly affects the performance, the new rule makes the tuning of the parameters less expensive with respect to the choice of the optimal prefixed steplength in the standard stochastic gradient method. We evaluate the behaviour of the proposed steplength selection in training binary classifiers on well known data sets and by using different loss functions.
Jorge Nocedal,et al.
Optimization Methods for Large-Scale Machine Learning
SIAM Rev..
Natasa Krejic,et al.
Nonmonotone line search methods with variable sample size
Numerical Algorithms.
Valeria Ruggiero,et al.
On the steplength selection in gradient methods for unconstrained optimization
Appl. Math. Comput..
Jorge Nocedal,et al.
Adaptive Sampling Strategies for Stochastic Optimization
SIAM J. Optim..
Roger Fletcher,et al.
A limited memory steepest descent method
Mathematical Programming.
Stefania Bellavia,et al.
Subsampled inexact Newton methods for minimizing large sums of convex functions
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis.
A Stochastic Line Search Method with Convergence Rate Analysis