Development of Analog SPICE Behavioral Model of PCI Buffer Based on IBIS Model

This paper presents an extraction method of analog SPICE behavioral model based on IBIS model. The Input/Output Buffer Information Specification (IBIS), also known as ANSI/EIA-656, has become widely accepted among Electronic Design Automation (EDA) vendors, semiconductor vendors, and system designers as the format for digital electrical interface data. The method to extract dynamic information from IBIS switching waveform V/T tables is discussed in detail. The proposed method extracts gate voltages and model parameters of pullup/pulldown transistors from IBIS V/T tables and I/V tables. A comparison of simulation results between the proposed analog SPICE behavioral model and transistor level model (SPICE netlist) is also included. The influence of waveform table load condition on the validity of the analog SPICE behavioral model is also investigated.