An anatomic transcriptional atlas of human glioblastoma

Anatomically correct tumor genomics Glioblastoma is the most lethal form of human brain cancer. The genomic alterations and gene expression profiles characterizing this tumor type have been widely studied. Puchalski et al. created the Ivy Glioblastoma Atlas, a freely available online resource for the research community. The atlas, a collaborative effort between bioinformaticians and pathologists, maps molecular features of glioblastomas, such as transcriptional signatures, to histologically defined anatomical regions of the tumors. The relationships identified in this atlas, in conjunction with associated databases of clinical and genomic information, could provide new insights into the pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment of glioblastoma. Science, this issue p. 660 An online resource maps the molecular genetic features of glioblastoma, a lethal brain cancer, to its anatomic features. Glioblastoma is an aggressive brain tumor that carries a poor prognosis. The tumor’s molecular and cellular landscapes are complex, and their relationships to histologic features routinely used for diagnosis are unclear. We present the Ivy Glioblastoma Atlas, an anatomically based transcriptional atlas of human glioblastoma that aligns individual histologic features with genomic alterations and gene expression patterns, thus assigning molecular information to the most important morphologic hallmarks of the tumor. The atlas and its clinical and genomic database are freely accessible online data resources that will serve as a valuable platform for future investigations of glioblastoma pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treatment.

Fuhui Long | Eric Olson | Nameeta Shah | Allan R. Jones | David Feng | Chinh Dang | Leonard Kuan | Don Marsh | Lydia Ng | Andrew Sodt | Amy Bernard | Shiella Caldejon | Wayne Wakeman | John W. Phillips | Ed Lein | Aaron Szafer | Felix Lee | Allan Jones | Rachel Dalley | Bart Keogh | Guangyu Gu | Michael J Hawrylycz | Antonio Iavarone | Tim Dolbeare | Melissa Reding | Robert Howard | Ali Kriedberg | Kiet Ngo | Patrick J Cimino | C. Lau | Leonard Kuan | C. Slaughterbeck | Wayne Wakeman | David Feng | Kevin Joines | M. Hawrylycz | J. Hohmann | Paul E Wohnoutka | Amy Bernard | Chinh Dang | Kimberly A. Smith | Darren Bertagnolli | J. Goldy | N. Shapovalova | A. Szafer | N. Dee | E. Lein | Fuhui Long | Andrew F. Boe | S. Datta | Tsega Desta | Tim Dolbeare | Amanda J. Ebbert | Tracy A. Lemon | Lydia Ng | R. Puchalski | Z. Riley | Andrew Sodt | A. Iavarone | R. Rostomily | C. Cobbs | J. Barnholtz-Sloan | N. Shah | Mike Chapin | R. Dalley | Benjamin W Gregor | Robert E. Howard | M. Reding | B. Keogh | Krissy Brouner | Stephanie Butler | S. Caldejon | G. Gee | Lindsey Gourley | G. Gu | Felix Lee | Naveed Mastan | E. Olson | D. Sandman | Jae-Geun Yoon | G. Foltz | H. Gittleman | Kris Bickley | N. Dotson | Michael Fisher | Nika Hejazinia | D. Rosen | C. Keene | M. Berens | Ali Kriedberg | E. Mott | Kiet Ngo | J. Lathia | Xu Feng | Farrokh R Farrokhi | Michael E Berens | Jeremy Miller | Steve R Nomura | Michael Lankerovich | P. Hothi | Hwahyung Lee | Chantal Murthy | Graham Stockdale | Steven J White | D. Marsh | J. Barnholtz-Sloan | P. Cimino | M. Uppin | S. Rostad | Tsega Desta | C Dirk Keene | Charles Cobbs | Nick Dee | Chris Lau | Robert C Rostomily | Justin D Lathia | Tracy Lemon | Darren Bertagnolli | Andrew F Boe | Jeff Goldy | Kimberly A Smith | Parvinder Hothi | Haley R Gittleman | Kris Bickley | Krissy Brouner | Nadezhda Dotson | Michael Fisher | David Sandman | John W Phillips | Nadiya Shapovalova | Shiella D. Caldejon | Ralph B Puchalski | Jeremy Miller | Jae-Guen Yoon | Michael Lankerovich | Stephanie Butler | Mike Chapin | Suvro Datta | Amanda Ebbert | Xu Feng | Garrett Gee | Lindsey Gourley | Nika Hejazinia | John Hohmann | Kevin Joines | Hwahyung Lee | Naveed Mastan | Erika Mott | Chantal Murthy | Zack Riley | David Rosen | Clifford R Slaughterbeck | Graham Stockdale | Jill S Barnholtz-Sloan | Megha S Uppin | Steven W Rostad | Greg D Foltz | Garrett Gee | B. Gregor | L. Kuan | Erika Mott | Paul E. Wohnoutka | Farrokh R. Farrokhi | A. Boe

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