Experimental Model for Creation of Carotid Artery Aneurysms in Dogs

Purpose: To describe the detailed technique for producing experimental carotid aneurysms in dogs and the success rate , cause of failure and remedy , based on our experience. Materials and Methods: Fourteen male dogs weighing 12-15kg were anesthetized with inhalation of 1-2 % halothane and 50 % nitrous oxide. Each surgical procedure was performed under sterile condition with the aid of an operating microscope. A paramidline incision 7 -8cm in length was made parallel to and medial to the external jugular vein in the dog's neck. The external jugular vein was harvested as a 1 cm vein pouch by lig ation and division of the proximal and distal ends. The ipsilateral common carotid artery was exposed and clamped at both ends by a vascular clamp. A 5-mm long elliptical arteriotomy was made at the mid portion of the artery , and then end to side anastomosis between the artery and vein sac was performed by using interrup ted 7-0 monofilament pr이 ene sutures. Carotid arteriography or Doppler sonography was performed 1 -6 weeks after aneurysm construction Results: Twenty experimental aneurysms were constructed , and 17 aneurysms were patent on follow up study , but one dog with two aneurysms died from hemorrhagic pneumonia 17 days after surgery. The overall patency rate was 75 % We and that