The Application of Accident Clock for the Identification of Hazardous Locations :A Case Study of Nakhon Ratchasima Province

This research aims to identify and analyze hazardous road locations on a main road in the area ofMuang District, Nakhon Rachasima Province, together with the application of accident clock in safetyplanning and accident prevention for relevant stakeholders. Researchers have reviewed variousmethods for the identification of hazardous locations, and then selected ‘Rate Quality Control’technique to identify hazardous locations based on accident rates considered appropriate for the data.In this research, a system approaching to identify hazardous locations on roadways in the pattern ofASP.NET website was developed. The research applies Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 C# Express as atool to develop such system integrating with Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Express – an informationdatabase pattern for data storage which is considerably more convenient, faster and easier to record, toanalyze and to store data. Thus, the locations of accident risks are visualized through the electronicchart based on Google map to facilitate a quick and reliable analysis coinciding with data display ofaccident clock for better understanding such locations in real conditions. As well, the outcomes wouldhelp to identify factors affecting hazardous conditions in the focussed areas in order to reduce thenumber of accidents and to continuously improve road safety.