NUclei of GAlaxies V. Radio emission in 7 NUGA sources

We present high angular resolution radio snap-shot observations of seven nearby low-luminosity active galaxies (LLAGN) from the NUclei of GAlaxies (NUGA) survey. The observations were conducted with MERLIN and EVN/VLBI at 18 cm and 6 cm. At all observed angular resolutions and frequencies, we find indications for extended emission in about � 40% of the sources, consistent with the decrease of flux with increasing angular resolution. The extended components resemble jet emission in a majority of cases, consistent with the optically thin synchrotron emission implied by their steep spectra. We consider the compact 6cm EVN/VLBI radio emission of our sources in the context of the "fundamental plane" that previous LLAGN studies identified within the three- dimensional parameter space of radio luminosity, X-ray luminosity, and black hole mass. We demonstrate, using NGC 7217 and NGC 1068 as particular examples, that high-resolution, multi-epoch radio observations offer useful information about the origin of offsets from the fundamental plane.

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