An Interactive Teaching – Learning Tool for Underprivileged Children in Rural Schools
In a country like India, there are children who starve for food, water and cannot spend time for studying and they have to work hard, to get one meal a day. The dropouts in schools are high because of various reasons. Education is not at affordable cost, government must bring some schemes. 80% schools suffer from shortage of teachers, infrastructural gaps and several habitations. There are also frequent allegations of government schools being riddled with absenteeism and mis management and appointments are based on political convenience. Despite the allure of free lunch-food in the government schools, many parents send their children to private schools. As a result, proponents of low cost private schools, crit iqued government schools as being poor value for money. Furthermore, many international schools with most modern Informat ion Communication Technology (ICT) tools are mushrooming even in remote villages because the rural elites who are ab le to afford school fees in a country where large number of families live in absolute poverty. The major objective of this paper is to develop an interactive teaching-learning tool with mult imedia applications for underprivileged children in rural schools. This tool will help the rural school children to have quality education at an affordable cost.