Crocker Nuclear Laboratory (CNL) radiation effects measurement and test facility
The 76" cyclotron of the Crocker Nuclear Laboratory (CNL) at the University of California at Davis (UCD) provides low to medium energy protons up to approximately 68-MeV, which is an excellent range for simulation of protons seen by materials and microelectronic devices behind spacecraft's shielding. Average particle beam fluxes range from tens of particles/(cm/sup 2//spl middot/s) up to a very large flux of approximately 10/sup 11/ particles/(cm/sup 2//spl middot/s). Description of the facility and quality control of beam energy and flux (dose rate) measurements are described. Beams of deuterons and /sup 4/He (/spl alpha/-particle) up to 45 and 90-MeV respectively can be provided if requested.