Subdivisions and connections of auditory cortex in owl monkeys

The organization and connections of auditory cortex in owl monkeys, Aotus trivirgatus, were investigated by combining microelectrode mapping methods with studies of architecture and connections in the same animals. In most experiments, portions of auditory cortex were first explored with microelectrodes, neurons were characterized as responsive or not to auditory stimuli, and best frequencies were determined whenever possible. Most recordings were in cortex previously designated as primary (A‐I) and rostral (R) auditory fields (Imig et al. J Comp Neurol 171:111, '77) and in a newly defined rostrotemporal field (RT) located rostral to R. Injections of wheat germ agglutinin‐horseradish peroxidase (WGAx‐HRP) and fluorescent tracers were placed in electrophysiologically identified locations of Ax‐I, R, and RT; the posterolateral (PL) and anterolateral (AL) divisions of a narrow belt of auditory cortex lateral and adjacent to Ax‐I and R; cortex of the superior temporal gyrus lateral and rostrolateral to PL and AL; and regions of prefrontal cortex that receive inputs from auditory cortex.

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