UvA-DARE ( Digital Academic Repository ) An Overview of the MATISSE Instrument — Science , Concept and Current Status

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Frantz Martinache | Werner Laun | Romain Petrov | Gerd Weigelt | Andreas Glindemann | Andrea Richichi | Uwe Graser | Jean-Louis Lizon | Jörg-Uwe Pott | Karl Wagner | Lucas Labadie | Ralf Conzelmann | Derek Ives | Ramon Navarro | Lars Venema | Gabby Kroes | Olivier Chesneau | Markus Schöller | Tibor Agocs | Attila Jasko | Yves Rabbia | Udo Neumann | Jean-Philippe Berger | Pierre Bourget | Roland Brast | Isabelle Percheron | Leander Mehrgan | Frédéric Gonté | Nicolas Schuhler | Paul Bristow | Paul Jolley | Pierre Haguenauer | Niels Tromp | Udo Beckmann | Dieter Schertl | Frank Przygodda | Gerardo Avila | Alain Spang | Gerd Jakob | Eddy Elswijk | Christian Lucuix | Jan Kragt | Michael Lehmitz | Josef Hron | Françoise Delplancke | Rainer Köhler | Matthias Heininger | Philippe Berio | Yves Bresson | Sylvie Robbe-Dubois | Marcus Mellein | Ralf Palsa | Felix Bettonvil | Jan Idserda | Gero Rupprecht | Eric Pantin | Christian Hummel | Yves Hugues | Pierre Antonelli | Pierre Cruzalèbes | Walter Jaffe | Stéphane Lagarde | Alexis Matter | Bruno Lopez | Eszter Pozna | Marco Delbo | Florentin Millour | Klaus Meisenheimer | Sebastian Wolf | Serge Menardi | Martin Vannier | Ronald Roelfsema | Richard Mathar | Philippe Gitton | Hiddo Hanenburg | William Danchi | Farrokh Vakili | Jan Behrend | Sandor Kiraly | Armin Gabasch | Julien Woillez | Serge Guniat | Sébastien Morel | Jean Gay | Anthony Meilland | Aurélie Marcotto | Nicolas Mauclert | Antoine Merand | Florence Rigal | Rik ter Horst | Claus Connot | Menno Schuil | Johana Panduro | Thierry Lanz | Jean-Charles Augereau | Christophe Bailet | Roy van Boekel | Rudolf Le Poole | Carsten Dominik | Thomas Henning | Jörg Stegmeier | Jean-Michel Clausse | Paul Girard | Christoph Leinert | Michiel Hogerheijde | Karl-Heinz Hofmann | Christian Schmidt | Juan-Carlos Gonzalez | Michel Dugué | Gerard van Belle | Serge Bonhomme | Gergely Csepany | Albert van Duin | Yan Fantei | Gerd Finger | Vincent Girault | Annelie Glazenborg | Florence Guitton | Menno De Haan | Tim Kroener | Sjouke Kuindersma | Grégoire Martinot-Lagarde | Jeffrey Meisner | Jean-Luc Menut | Lazlo Mosoni | Edmund Nussbaum | Sébastien Ottogalli | Thierry Parra | Thanh Phan Duc | Lamine Thiam