A Siamese CNN for Image Steganalysis

Image steganalysis is a technique for detecting data hidden in images. Recent research has shown the powerful capabilities of using convolutional neural networks (CNN) for image steganalysis. However, due to the particularity of steganographic signals, there are still few reliable CNN-based methods for applying steganalysis to images of arbitrary size. In this paper, we address this issue by exploring the possibility of exploiting a network for steganalyzing images of varying sizes without retraining its parameters. On the assumption that natural image noise is similar between different image sub-regions, we propose an end-to-end, deep learning, novel solution for distinguishing steganography images from normal images that provides satisfying performance. The proposed network first takes the image as the input, then identifies the relationships between the noise of different image sub-regions, and, finally, outputs the resulting classification based upon them. Our algorithm adopts a Siamese, CNN-based architecture, which consists of two symmetrical subnets with shared parameters, and contains three phases: preprocessing, feature extraction, and fusion/classification. To validate the network, we generated datasets composed of steganography images with multiple sizes and their corresponding normal images sourced from BOSSbase 1.01 and ALASKA #2. Experimental results produced by the data generated by various methods show that our proposed network is well-generalized and robust.

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