Pheromone Response in Yeast: Association of Bem1p with Proteins of the MAP Kinase Cascade and Actin

Haploid cells of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae respond to mating pheromones with polarized growth toward the mating partner. This morphological response requires the function of the cell polarity establishment protein Bem1p. Immunochemical and two-hybrid protein interaction assays revealed that Bem1p interacts with two components of the pheromone-responsive mitogen-activated protein (MAP) kinase cascade, Ste20p and Ste5p, as well as with actin. Mutants of Bem1p that are associated with defective pheromone-induced polarized morphogenesis interacted with Ste5p and actin but not with Ste20p. Thus, the association of Bem1p with Ste20p and Ste5p may contribute to the conveyance of spatial information that regulates polarized rearrangement of the actin cytoskeleton during yeast mating.

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