Perinatal Asphyxia And Thrombocytopenia

In this study, thrombocytopenia incidence and the mechanism responsible for the thrombocytopenia in asphyxiated infants were investigated within 2 weeks of life. We studied 24 full-term newborn infants with asphyxia and 10 term healthy newborns. Thrombocytopenia developed in 25% of the infants in 0-2 days, 36.8% in 3-6 days and 26.6% in 7-14 days after birth. The mortality ratio in perinatal asphyxia was 29.1% and only one patient had thrombocytopenia. Although the mean platelet volume values of asphyxiated-thrombocytopenic patients were higher than those of the asphyxiated-nonthrombocytopenic patients, no statistical difference was found. We couldn't find any effect of the thrombocytopenia on mortality in perinatal asphyxia. Moreover, the severity of hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy didn't show any relation with platelet count. Perinatal Asfiksi ve Trombositopeni Bu calismada asfiktfk term yenidoganlarda hayatin ilk iki haftasi icinde trombositopeni insidansi ve trombositopeniden sorumlu mekanizma arastinldi. 24 asfiksili bebek ve 10 saglikli bebek calisildi. Asfiktik bebeklerde hayatin ilk iki gunu icinde %25.0, 3-6. gunlerde %36.8 ve 7-14. gunlerde %26.6 oraninda trombositopeni gelisti. Perinatal asfiksili infantlarda mortalite orani %29.1'di ve yalnizca bir hastada trombositopeni vardi. Bu calismada perinatal asfikside trombositopeninin mortalite uzerine etkisi bulunamadi. Asfiktik trombositopenik hastalarin ortalama trombosit volumu asfiktik nont-rombositopenik bebeklerden yuksek olmasina ragmen istatistiksel fark gozlenmedi. Aynca hipoksik-iskemik ensefalopati siddeti trombosit sayisiyla iliskili degildi.