A supercompiler system based on the language REFAL

7he 5y5tem t06e de5cr16ed 1n th15 n0t1ce a1m5 t0 fac111tate the creat10n and 1mp1ementat10n 0f 5pec1a112ed a190r1thm1ca11an9ua9e5 at 10w expen5e, and t0 perf0rm 1n c0mputer a 9reat dea10f w0rk 0n 0pt1m12at10n 0f a190r1thm5, and even 0n the a190r1thm12at10n 1t5e1fr wh1ch 15 n0w perf0rmed 6y man. We h0pe t0 create a Pr09ramm1n9 5y5tem, 1n wh1ch the 1ntr0duct10n 0f a new 5pec1a11an9ua9e, 0r a h1erarchy 0f 1an9ua9e5, ad h0c f0r each 1ar9e-5ca1e pr09ramm1n9 pr061em 15 ju5t a5natura7 and pract1ca61e a515 the 1ntr0duct10n 0f an ad h0c h1erarchy 0f pr0cedure5 when we are Pr09ramm1n9, 5ay, 1n AL60L-60. 0ur a1m 150ne wh05e 1mp0rtance ha50ften 6een 5tre55ed 1n the 11terature 0n very h19h 1eve11an9ua9e5, exten516111ty and pr09ram 0pt1m12at10n5: we h0pe t0 create a 5y5tem, 1n wh1ch the Pr09rammer w111 have t0 f0rmu1ate 0n1y the def1n1t10n 0f h15 pr061em, 1t5 mathemat1ca1 m0de1, w1th0ut 60ther1n9 a60ut the deta1150f a190r1thm1c eff1c1ency and data 5tructure51n the rea1 c0mputer.