Real-Time NMR Imaging Systems Using Personal Computers

Abstract Two real-time NMR image-processing systems using high-speed personal computers have been developed. The first was made with a MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk Operating System) PC system (CPU, Pentium; clock frequency, 100 MHz) and a homebuilt frame memory board. The second was made with a MS-Windows (Microsoft Windows 95) PC system (CPU, Pentium; clock frequency, 133 MHz). The reconstruction time for one 128 × 128 image was 280 ms for the DOS system and 120 ms for the Windows system, while the image display time was 30 ms for the DOS system and 120 ms for the Windows system. NMR imaging experiments for observing unsteady particle or bubble motion in fluids were performed using these systems. These real-time image-reconstruction systems demonstrate great promise as add-on devices to existing NMR imaging systems.