Interaction Techniques for Navigation through and Manipulation of 2D and 3D Data

In this article we present a working prototype incorporating some new interaction techniques for the navigation through and the manipulation of both 3D and 2D data. The prototype aims at professional applications like architectural design, surgical planning and geological exploration. Its design was influenced by the analysis of user requirements and by the requirement for a natural interface. The prototype permits the user to navigate through 3D and 2D data in order to explore the internal structure. 3D navigation is accomplished by means of a natural selection of dynamically updated cross-sections. The user can navigate through these selected cross-sections of 2D data and can perform manipulations with them. As a proof of concept we focus on two disciplines, viz. architectural design and surgical planning. Our usability evaluation of the interaction styles demonstrates that they are perceived as useful and enjoyable additions to existing techniques in these disciplines.

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