Development of the Flight Hardware for the Experiment XENOPUS on the Kubik BIO4-Mission

The needs of developing aquatic animals depend on their age. For example, amphibian tadpole stages require regular food supply while embryos use their yolk as food source. Thus, life support systems have to be adapted to the different ages; an efficient control for water cleanness and steady food supply is mandatory for a safe flight in microgravity. A list of biological and technical requirements prompted the concept of the Dornier-Mini-System and the design for the Astrium SUPPLY Unit. These life support systems are connected with the Astrium miniaquarium that was used several times for the transport of small aquatic animals in space. Scientific experience from this concept was considered by Kayser Italia to design and develop a space suitable hardware. Its functionality was successfully demonstrated by the experiment XENOPUS that flew on the Soyuz TMA13/TMA12 mission in 2008. From 36 launched tadpoles, 35 returned back to Earth after the 12 days lasting space flight in physiologically stable conditions.