Mechanical Design andOptimization of Ubiquitous PowerGenerator Suited forMechanical Input
Thereare many electric power generators employing dynamos. However, mostofthem require largemechanical energyinputata timetoget large electric poweroutput. Thistaskisnoteasyforelders because ofheavyload. Therefore, weaimedtodevelop a newubiquitous powergenerator suited forlight power input. Inordertogenerate large electric energy withlight force, we propose a newgenerator mechanism tostore mechanical energy using aspiral spring andgears. Large mechanical energy isstored inthespring byiteration of light forceinput. We designed a mechanism whichcan store mechanical energy inthespring byrotating aninput lever several times withlight force. Theenergy isrestored torotate thedynamoathighspeedtogenerate electric energy efficiently. Whilerestoring themechanical energy, reverse rotation oftheinput lever isavoided bytheclutch. Analysis aswellasexperiment oftheproposed mechanism wasperformed hereforoptimal design ofgeartrain. Asan application, a powergeneration device whichgenerates energy fromdoormotionisshowntoseeeffectiveness of this mechanism.