Hybrid optimization of a vibration isolation system considering layout of structure and locations of components

A vibration isolation system is designed using novel hybrid optimization techniques, where locations of machines, locations of isolators and layout of supporting structure are all taken as design variables. Instead of conventional parametric optimization model, the 0-1 programming model is established to optimize the locations of machines and isolators so that the time-consuming remeshing procedure and the complicated sensitivity analysis with respect to position parameters can be circumvented. The 0-1 sequence for position design variables is treated as binary bits so as to reduce the actual number of design variables to a great extent. This way the 0-1 programming can be solved in a quite efficient manner using a special version of genetic algorithm(GA) that has been published by the authors. The layout of supporting structure is optimized using SIMP based topology optimization method, where the fictitious elemental densities are taken as design variables ranging from 0 to 1. Influence of different design variables is firstly investigated by numerical examples. Then a hybrid multilevel optimization method is proposed and implemented to simultaneously take all design variables into account.

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