Improved design of an ISIS for a video camera of 1,000,000 pps
The ISIS, In-situ Storage Image Sensor, may achieve the frame rate higher than 1,000,000 pps. Technical targets in development of the ISIS are listed up. A layout of the ISIS is presented, which covers the major targets, by employing slanted CCD storage and amplified CMOS readout. The layout has two different sets of orthogonal axis systems: one is mechanical and the other functional. Photodiodes, CCD registers and all the gates are designed parallel to the mechanical axis systems. The squares on which pixels are placed form the functional axis system. The axis systems are inclined to each other. To reproduce a moving image, at least fifty consecutive images are necessary for ten-second replay at 5 pps. The inclined design inlays the straight CCD storage registers for more than fifty images in the photo- receptive area of the sensor. The amplified CMOS readout circuits built in all the pixels eliminate line defects in reproduced images, which are inherent to CCD image sensors. FPN (Fixed Pattern Noise) introduced by the individual amplification is easily suppressed by digital post image processing, which is commonly employed in scientific and engineering applications. The yield rate is significantly improved by the elimination of the line defects.
[1] Kohsei Takehara,et al. In-situ storage image sensor of 1,000,000 pps with an elongated CCD strip under each photodetector , 1997, Other Conferences.