MATADOR: a computer code for the analysis of radionuclide behavior during degraded core accidents in light water reactors

A new computer code called MATADOR (Methods for the Analysis of Transport And Deposition Of Radionuclides) has been developed to replace the CORRAL computer code which was written for the Reactor Safety Study (WASH-1400). This report contains a detailed description of the models used in MATADOR. MATADOR is intended for use in system risk studies to analyze radionuclide transport and deposition in reactor containments. The principal output of the code is information on the timing and magnitude of radionuclide releases to the environment as a result of severely degraded core accidents. MATADOR considers the transport of radionuclides through the containment and their removal by natural deposition and the operation of engineered safety systems such as sprays. The code requires input data on the source term from the primary system, the geometry of the containment, and the thermal-hydraulic conditions in the containment.