PCB traces have high-frequency losses due to skin effect and dielectric losses. These high-frequency losses results in inter-symbol Interference, ISI, as the signal passes through PCB traces. A linear analog equalizer, linear redriver, removes the ISI which results in a longer signal reach. A linear redriver operating up to 20Gbps can support signaling as specified in USB Type-C and VESA Display Port Alt Mode, Alt mode standards and the USB3.2 specification. It consumes 90mW from a 1.8V supply. It has programmable peaking gain up to 17 dB at 10.3 GHz with 1 dB steps to compensate for the channel loss and a programmable 1-dB compression point of 500 to 950 mV-ppd. This redriver achieves low return loss, better than −16 dB up to 10.3 GHz and low cross-talk, better than −50 dB up to 10.3 GHz. It has been implemented in NXP BiCMOS Technology with/fr~ 170 GHz and consumes 46 rnA per channel from a 1.8 V supply.