Creep analysis of statically indeterminate structure by force method

According to the creep behavior of statically,structure under constant load and changing load were determined,respectively,the internal analysis method of statically indeterminate structure considering the effects of construction and creep was presented.This method is based on the ideas of force method and age-adjusted effective module method.By removing redundant restraints,the initial structure is equivalent to a statically determinate structure,named released structure,which subjects to loads,redundant forces obtained in elastic analysis and creep-redundant force changing with time due to the creep of structure.Displacements on the directions of redundant forces can be obtained by creep analysis of released structure under every force mentioned above. According to conformability of deformation,creep-redundant forces can be attained by resolving equilibrium equations.Effects of relevant factors on the statically indeterminate structure were presented through a numerical example.