The optimal filter strength for restraining the multi-perturbations in WDM dispersion managed soliton systems

The dispersion managed soliton transmission is a new soliton transmission scheme, but the ultra long-haul WDM system is limited its communication capability for multi-perturbations. In the present, the multi-perturbations including the amplificatory spontaneous emission (ASE) noise, across phase modulation (XPM) between the channels etc are considered. The evolvement characteristics of dispersion managed soliton transmission under control of inline filter are studied with variational method. Then the analysis expressions of timing jitter and equations of DMS's transmission evolution are gotten. The analysis results indicate that the filter can increase the DMS's transmission rate and stabilize DMS transmission. At same time, there exist a optimal configure scheme of filter strength and parameters of DMS. If choosing the parameters (kf",C,B)reasonably, the pulse can be transmitted stable.