Integrating Software and Hardware Performance Models Using Hierarchical Queeing Petri Nets

IntegratingSoftwareandHardwPerformanceMo delsUsingHierarchicalQueueingPetriNetsFalkoBause,PeterBuchholzandKemp erInformatikIV,UniversitatDortmundD-44221Dortmund,Germanye-mail:fbause,buchholz,kemp erg@ls4.informatik.uni-dortmund.deAbstractThispap erintro ducesanewapproachfortheconstructionofp erformancemo d-elsofcomplexsystemsintegratingsoftwareandhardware.Softcomp onentsaresp eci edusinghierarchicalcolouredGSPNswhichextendthewellestablishedcolouredGSPNs.Hardwarecomp onentscomp osedofbasicqueuestakenfromqueueingnetworks.IntegrationofqueuesintohierarchicalGSPNsfacilitatesthesp eci cationofavirtualmachinewhichprovidesservicesforsoftwarecomp onents.VirtualmachinesareintegratedthecolouredGSPNdescriptionofsoftwcomp onentviasubnetplaces.Thissimpli esthedescriptionofmappingsoft-wareontohardwmo dels.Apartfromsp eci cationconvenience,certainanalysistechniquesalsopro tfromthehierarchicalstructure,amongotherswediscussexactnumericaltechniques,approximationsimulationandhybridapproachescombiningdi erenttechniques.1Intro ductionWellknownconceptsapplytostructurecomplexsoftware(SW)andhardw(HW)systems,theseincludemo dularisation,layers,andvirtualmachines.SWsystemsaretypicallystructuredhierarchicallyviare nemenandmo dularisation.Thisresultsinatop-downdesign,whereduringthedesignpro cess,amountofinformationincreasesbysuccessiveadditionofdetails.ForHWresources,basicbuildingblo cksarereusedandcombinedtobuildvirtualmachinesinab ottom-upmanner.Clearly,b othmetho dsmustmatchforacompletesystem.ThisrequirestomapSWhierarcyonvirtualmachineswherethelatterhavetoprovideanappropriatesetofservices.SeparatingaSWhierarchy

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