A knock detection circuit that is based on the signal of an accelerometer installed on the engine block of a spark ignition automotive engine has a band-pass filter with a certain frequency as a parameter to be calibrated. A new statistical method for the determination of the frequency which is the most suitable for the knock detection in real-time applications is proposed. The method uses both the cylinder pressure and block vibration signals and is divided into two steps. In both steps, a new recursive trigonometric interpolation method that calculates the frequency contents of the signals is applied. The new trigonometric interpolation method developed in this paper improves the performance of the Discrete Fourier Transformation, allowing a flexible choice of the size of the moving window. In the first step, the frequency contents of the cylinder pressure signal are calculated. The knock is detected in the cylinder of the engine cycle for which at least one value of the maximal amplitudes calculated via the trigonometric interpolation method exceeds a threshold value indicating a considerable amount of oscillations in the pressure signal; this cycle is selected as a knocking cycle. In the second step, the frequency analysis is performed on the block vibration signal for the cycles selected in the previous step. The knock detectability, which is an individual cylinder attribute at a certain frequency, is verified via a statistical hypothesis test for testing the equality of two mean values, i.e. mean values of the amplitudes for knocking and non-knocking cycles. Signal-to-noise ratio is associated in this paper with the value of t-statistic. The frequency with the largest signal-to-noise ratio (the value of t-statistic) is chosen for implementation in the engine knock detection circuit.