지역내 폐식용유 발생 및 처리의 문제점과 자립적 자원화 방안 모색

This study was conducted on a search for localization of the waste recycling. Used cooking oils(UCO) now are considerably re-supplied as resource of Bio-diesel(BD) and animal fodder, the rest is released into sewage or treated with municipal waste. This waste has diverse problems, for example, low quantity of collecting, structural vulnerability of public labor, governmentally neglectful management, illegal collection system, in addition of environmental pollution and unsanitary food. Most of collected UCOs are not recycled but move out of the research area, so that local critics continuedly indicated that there is no economic aid despite its valuable resource. So Researchers set a goal and proposed legalization of collecting, clarity of circulation for solution of those problems. The details are settlement of collection cooperative or secondary waste treatment business for arrangement of stable maintainment in the local market.