Secondary predication and adverbial modification : the typology of depictives
1. Issues in the Syntax and Semantics of Participant-oriented Adjuncts: an introduction 2. Depictives in English and Warlpiri 3. Adverbials and Depictives as Restrictors 4. Depictive Agreement and the Development of a Depictive Marker in Swiss German Dialects 5. Quantifying Depictive Secondary Predicates in Australian Languages 6. Depictives in Kartvelian 7. On Depictive Secondary Predicates in Laz 8. Participant Agreement in Panoan 9. Secondary Predicates and Adverbials in Nilotic and Omotic: A Typological Comparison 10. Asyndetic Subordination and Deverbal Depictive Expressions in Shona 11. Forms of Secondary Predication n Serialising Languages: On Depictives in Ewe 12. Depictive and Other Secondary Predication in Loa 13. A Semantic Map for Depictive Adjectivals References Index of Terms Index of Languages