Euglena: An Experimental Organism for Biochemical and Biophysical Studies

This excellent monograph summarizes the present knowledge concerning this most interesting organism, Euglena gracilis . In recent years, Euglena has been found to be an excellent tool for investigations of fundamental biology and even as an aid in clinical diagnosis since they are used to measure vitamin B 12 by bioassay. These simple, unicellular organisms make it possible to study such complex biological processes as photosynthesis, photoreception, phototaxic responses, and the relationship of molecular structure to the biological function of subcellular particles from a fundamental point of view. In addition, Euglena has proved to be a most satisfactory organism for nutritional studies. Dr. Wolken has written a very thorough review of all the aspects of this phytoflagellate, including a detailed resume of his own contributions to the store of biological knowledge which he has gained at the hands of Euglena .