Ethyl Acetate와 Methanol을 이용한 블루베리 추출물 대사체 분석

Metabolite profiling of blueberry (cultivar "Spartan") was performed by extraction using different solvents, methanol and ethyl acetate, through metabolomic analysis using LC-MS/MS. Unsupervised classification method (PCA) and supervised prediction model (OPLS-DA) provided good categorization of metabolites according to the extraction solvents. Metabolites of the anthocyanin family, including delphinidin hexoside, delphinidin, 5-O-feruloylquinic acid, malvidin hexoside, malvidin-3-arabinoside, petunidin-3-arabinoside, and petunidin hexoside, were mainly detected in methanol fractions, whereas those of the flavonoid family, including chlorogenic acid, chlorogenic acid dimer, 6,8-di-C-arabinopyranosyl-luteolin, and luteolin were successfully prepared in the ethyl acetate fraction. Thus, metabolomic analysis of blueberry extracts allows for the simple profiling of whole and distinctive metabolites for future applications.