The provincial at Rome : and Rome and the Balkans 80BC-AD14

Contents The Provincial at Rome: introduction the evidence admission to the Senate Provincial senators before Augustus Provincial senators before AD 48 prejudice against Provincials the virtues of Provincials Roman and Provincial in Spain and Narbonensis "Italicus es an provincialis?" Gallia Comata Claudius' speech in Tacitus the"Oratio Claudii Caaesaris" "new light on Tiberius and Gaius" additional notes - Spanish senators before AD 48, senators from Gallia Narbonensis before AD 48, eastern senators before AD 48. Rome and the Balkans: Macedonia and Dardnia, 80-30 BC Proconsuls of Macedonia, 80-50 BC the status of Illyricum, 80-60 BC Caesar's designs on Dacia and Parthia the early history of Moesia.