One-dimensional impenetrable anyons in thermal equilibrium: I. Anyonic generalization of Lenard's formula

We have obtained an expansion of the reduced density matrices (or, equivalently, correlation functions of the fields) of impenetrable one-dimensional anyons in terms of the reduced density matrices of fermions using the mapping between anyon and fermion wavefunctions. This is the generalization to anyonic statistics of the result obtained by A. Lenard for bosons. In the case of impenetrable but otherwise free anyons with statistical parameter $\kappa$, the anyonic reduced density matrices in the grand canonical ensemble is expressed as Fredholm minors of the integral operator ($1-\gamma \hat \theta_T$) with complex statistics-dependent coefficient $\gamma=(1+e^{\pm i\pi\kappa})/ \pi$. For $\kappa=0$ we recover the bosonic case of Lenard $\gamma=2/\pi$. Due to nonconservation of parity, the anyonic field correlators $\la \fad(x')\fa(x)\ra$ are different depending on the sign of $x'-x$.