Conventional borehole survey technology, involving the use of either magnetic or gyroscopic instruments, provides at best a lateral position uncertainty of 1% of measured well depth. The conventional tools also exhibit severe accuracy degradation in inclined boreholes. Preliminary test programs have indicated that an order-of-magnitude improvement over conventional technology can be achieved by adapting modern inertial navigation and guidance techniques to the development of an improved gyroscopic survey instrument. The objective of this paper is to analyze the performance characteristics of certain gyroscopic tools currently in development and outline major system error sensitivities.
Mathematical error models have been developed for several different gyroscopic tools, which can be grouped into three general categories: Gyrocompass, Attitude Reference System and Inertial Navigation System. These models are used as the basis for a series of computer error simulations which characterize the statistical survey accuracy of the various tool designs as a function of time and displacement. The analysis also identifies the major operational limitations of each design and establishes the sensitivities to key error sources.
John W. Wright,et al.
A New Generation Directional Survey System Using Continuous Gyrocompassing Techniques
J. L. Marsh.
Hand-held calculator assists in directional drilling control. Part 2
D. G. Morgan,et al.
High Accuracy Directional Surveying Of Wells Employing Inertial Techniques
R. P. Harvey,et al.
An Analysis of Uncertainty in Directional Surveying
J. P. de Wardt,et al.
Borehole Position Uncertainty - Analysis of Measuring Methods and Derivation of Systematic Error Model
G. W. Uttecht,et al.
Application of Small-Diameter Inertial Grade Gyroscopes Significantly Reduces Borehole Position Uncertainty
Alain Stankoff,et al.
Underwater Survey Using An Inertial Navigation System