°≈‰°°"√æ—'(CDM) ∑"ߥâ: °"√»÷ æ≈—◊'◊◊ß¿"¬"π ¡À"«'—à Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) for Transportation Sector: A Study of Alternative Fuel for Song Thaew in Khon Kaen University
This paper presents a methodology for calculating an amount of Carbon Dioxide (CO 2 ) emissions from Song Thaew (public transportation) of Khon Kaen University following the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). This study also selects the suitable energy to decrease Carbon Dioxide (CO 2 ) emissions of Song Thaew. A Bottom-Up for Network approach is used to calculate an amount of Carbon Dioxide (CO 2 ) emissions which discusses in 3 case studies of alternative types of fuel