" Instant Aging " eine Unterrichts-Methode zur Verbesserung der Empathief ä higkeit von Studierenden gegen ü ber Ä lteren und chronisch Kranken " Instant Aging " a Teaching Concept for Enhancing the Patient Perspective in 3 Year-Medical Students

The aging population in the industrial countries will be a future problem within all medical disci- plines. Therefore, the importance of geriatric themes in medical education must grow as well. Canadian and American studies show that know- ledge, attitudes and empathy towards elderly and chronically ill patients can be increased with the help of simulation in " Instant-aging " -courses. We developed a new module in our course " basic medical skills " for third-year medical students, where several simulations (hemiparesis, cata- ract, arthrosis, hypacusis, Parkinsons disease) took place. After the simulations, experiences were discussed in a structured manner. The new module has been very well received. Nearly all students took part in the simulation and worked in a creative way. Students expressed their wish to increase simulations in future.