When Push Comes to Shove: A Practical Guide to Mediating Disputes
Part One : The Mediator's Mindset 1. The Conflict Management Continuum 2. How to Analyze a Dispute 3. Gearing Up Part Two: Initial Contact 4. Telephone Contact 5. Setting the Table 6. The Opening Meeting: Standard Agenda Part Three: Caucuses 7. Caucus Checkpoints 8. Case Examples 9. The "One Text" Worksheet Part Four: Shuttle/Joint Meetings 10. Planning the Next Round 11. The SOS (Summaries, Offers, Summaries) Model 12. Resolving Impasses Part Five: Closing 13. Testing the Agreement/Declaring Impasse 14. Drafting 15. Adjournment and Other Ceremonies Part Six: Variations 16. Mediating "On the Fly": One-Session Reconciliation Appendix A: Communications Skills Review Appendix B: Sample Ground Rules and Forms Appendix C: Professional Organizations Appendix D: Further Reading.