Improving Intrusion Detection Performance using Keyword Selection and Neural Networks

Abstract The most common computer intrusion detection systems detect signatures of known attacks by searching for attack-specific keywords in network traffic. Many of these systems suffer from high false-alarm rates (often hundreds of false alarms per day) and poor detection of new attacks. Poor performance can be improved using a combination of discriminative training and generic keywords. Generic keywords are selected to detect attack preparations, the actual break-in, and actions after the break-in. Discriminative training weights keyword counts to discriminate between the few attack sessions where keywords are known to occur and the many normal sessions where keywords may occur in other contexts. This approach was used to improve the baseline keyword intrusion detection system used to detect user-to-root attacks in the 1998 DARPA Intrusion Detection Evaluation. It reduced the false-alarm rate required to obtain 80% correct detections by two orders of magnitude to roughly one false alarm per day. The improved keyword system detects new as well as old attacks in this database and has roughly the same computation requirements as the original baseline system. Both generic keywords and discriminant training were required to obtain this large performance improvement.