Log-DenseNet: How to Sparsify a DenseNet

Skip connections are increasingly utilized by deep neural networks to improve accuracy and cost-efficiency. In particular, the recent DenseNet is efficient in computation and parameters, and achieves state-of-the-art predictions by directly connecting each feature layer to all previous ones. However, DenseNet's extreme connectivity pattern may hinder its scalability to high depths, and in applications like fully convolutional networks, full DenseNet connections are prohibitively expensive. This work first experimentally shows that one key advantage of skip connections is to have short distances among feature layers during backpropagation. Specifically, using a fixed number of skip connections, the connection patterns with shorter backpropagation distance among layers have more accurate predictions. Following this insight, we propose a connection template, Log-DenseNet, which, in comparison to DenseNet, only slightly increases the backpropagation distances among layers from 1 to ($1 + \log_2 L$), but uses only $L\log_2 L$ total connections instead of $O(L^2)$. Hence, Log-DenseNets are easier than DenseNets to implement and to scale. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our design principle by showing better performance than DenseNets on tabula rasa semantic segmentation, and competitive results on visual recognition.

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